Why We No Longer Perform Microblading

 Microblading hit the market and is performed using a hand tool with a configuration of needles into a blade. 

Microblading trainers promised clients natural hair stroke eyebrows to blend in with natural hair and to give clients a more full eyebrow shape. They claimed microblading is semi-permanent; microblading is only implanted into the epidermal layers of tissue and that the results will fade. 

Students are instructed to make slits or incisions in the skin and cut the same skin multiple times to push the pigment into the “right” layer of skin. They are instructed the “sweet spot” is when the skin begins to bleed. They then take photos of these freshly sliced eyebrows and post them on social media leading followers to believe this look is achieved. They rarely post healed photos as they are undesirable results.

In our experience, color does not  retain, or is patchy or changes completely turning cooler and darker in shade due to the trauma they create to the tissue. 

It has been reported in recent months that scar tissue is formed from microblading. Scars form when the dermis is damaged. The body forms new collagen fibers (a naturally occurring protein in the body) to mend the damage, resulting in a scar. The new scar tissue will have a different texture and quality than the surrounding tissue. Hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands disappear with scar tissue.  

The permanent makeup industry has come under attack and exploited by these poorly trained “trainers.” Microblading trainers ask students to pay thousands of dollars in order to learn this skill set and promise they can learn this in 2-3 days. Students are led to believe you need no background, no experience  with permanent makeup, skincare or body art and they can make $400-500 every 2 hours with new clients pouring through their doors. It has made for many many horrible jobs walking through our doors asking for corrections and many we can not fix.

When it comes to microblading, just say no. We are skilled permanent makeup artists that can use machines to implant pigment. A micro puncture to implant pigment is much easier and less traumatic for skin. 

We are skilled, certified permanent makeup artists. We offer machine hairstrokes and powder brow options for eyebrows.

Please keep in mind- Cheap work is NEVER good and GOOD work is never cheap. When it comes to your face, trust in the best.


2019 Beauty & Bubbles Xmas Party was a SUCCESS


Sneak Peek To a Dermaplane Facial at Permanent Makeup Aesthetics Clinic