Why Do I Need Eyelash Extension Fills?

After you get your first full set of lashes at Permanent Makeup Aesthetics Clinic in Denver, Colorado you’re bound to open your eyes and be so excited to have beautiful lashes every day and that’s what you would expect but then you get the reality check that you need to come back in two to three weeks to get them filled, but why?

Did you know most people have a total of 65 to 150 lashes per eye and they lose two to five natural lashes each day! That means if you lost just 3 lashes per day after one week there would be 21 lashes lost, after two weeks 42 lashes lost, and after 3 weeks 63 lashes lost! Eyelashes just like hair on your head, grow and shed in cycles.

We all experience growth cycles. They are anagen, catagen and telogen.

Anagen is the active growth phase and is the first stage of the lash cycle. How long anagen lasts is determined by sex, and genetics, but it usually lasts between 30 to 45 days. Around 40% of upper lashes are in the anagen phase at the same time because if all your lashes were in the anagen phase at the same time then they would all fall out at the same time, leaving you without any lashes for days at a time, how sad would that be!?

The catagen phase follows the anagen phase, it is as know as the transition phase. Once lashes grow to their designated length, they stop growing, the hair follicle shrinks and they move to this transition phase where the follicle stops producing hair. This phase lasts 2 to 3 weeks. If a lash falls out during the catagen phase it wont begin growing back until this phase has run its course.

The final stage also known as the telogen, is the resting and shedding phase. During this time a new hair begins to grow from the hair follicle, as it grows upwards the old hair will naturally shed. Generally lashes have a lifespan of about three months, and because each lash is on its own phase of the growing cycle, it’s completely normal for a few lashes to fall out daily. Typically it takes 4-8 weeks to full replace a lash.

So with that all being said, don’t worry if you wake up with a few lashes on your pillow, that’s normal, and unfortunately lash fills will always be a necessary part of you routine when wearing extensions. Although we do have a few tips for how to keep you lashes in great shape:

  • Wash you eyelids and lashes daily with a oil free lash cleaner, to help maintain their integrity by removing lashes worst enemies : oil, dirt and makeup!

  • Avoid waterproof and oily products, including makeup removers.

  • Comb your lashes morning and night!

  • Try not to sleep on your face.

  • If possible use a good lash serum to keep you natural lashes nice and strong, this also helps you lashes grow back quicker after they shed!

We hope this article helped you understand your eyelashes a little bit more, and look forward to seeing you in at Permanent Makeup Aesthetics Clinic for some fluffy full sets and fills! Permanent Makeup Aesthetics Clinic offers classic eyelash extensions, hybrid eyelash extensions and soon will be offering volume eyelash extensions.


Sneak Peek To a Dermaplane Facial at Permanent Makeup Aesthetics Clinic
